Posted by: Pastor Rick Thompson | November 28, 2016

A Poem for Advent 1

It’s been a while.  It’s been a while since I’ve posted.  Been a while since I began recently-completed cancer treatment.  Been a while since I’ve felt energetic enough to write any poetry.  This whole year of journeying through the medical world has felt like Advent–wait, and wait, and wait some more.

am currently writing a little poetry, for use in our contemporary worship during the current season of Advent. I’m trying to incorporate our seasonal worship theme: “Wait…God is on the Way”.  And I’m finding it refreshing to be writing again–writing something besides Caring Bridge health updates, that is.  The poem I wrote for yesterday is based on the scripture reading from Isaiah 2:1-5:

The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
 2In days to come
 the mountain of the LORD’s house
 shall be established as the highest of the mountains,
 and shall be raised above the hills;
 all the nations shall stream to it.
 3Many peoples shall come and say,
 “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
 to the house of the God of Jacob;
 that he may teach us his ways
 and that we may walk in his paths.”
 For out of Zion shall go forth instruction,
 and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
 4He shall judge between the nations,
 and shall arbitrate for many peoples;
 they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
 and their spears into pruning hooks;
 nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
 neither shall they learn war any more.
 5O house of Jacob,
 come, let us walk
 in the light of the LORD!

And here’s my poem:

A Poem for Advent 1

Wait…God Is On the Way:

The Word that Isaiah Saw

In a wounded world,

A war-weary world,

A world worn out—

worn out by angry, hate-filled words and clenched fists,

worn out by spears and knives,

worn out by guns and bombs,

worn out by armies trampling through the land,

A world overwhelmed with those seeking refuge from war,

A world unhinged, gone mad, drunk with the blood of the vanquished


In this Godforsaken world, long ago Isaiah saw a word—

He saw God’s word—

And what did he see?

A word of peace—in a violent world

A word of light—in a world of darkness

A word of hope—in a desperate world

A word for all—in a world divided.


A word of promise—

The nations will gather to hear God’s word

and they will learn war no more

and their weapons of war will become instruments of peace

and they will leave the darkness

and they will walk in God’s light

their hearts filled with hope

their lands filled with joy

and laughter

and love

and life


That’s what Isaiah saw.


And could it be?


“Why, yes!” says the prophet,

“Yes!  Yes!” says the Lord.

“Wait—just wait!

God is on the way.

Do you see it?

Look—look over there!

Look at enemies, embracing

Look at the scorched earth, flourishing

Look at the war-weary, refreshed

Yes, look, and wait, and you shall see—

You shall see the salvation, the life, the peace of God.”


Look, and wait—

Engaged, not withdrawn,

Active, not passive,

Hopeful, not despairing—

Wait faithfully and you shall be





Could it be?


That’s what Isaiah saw—

With God’s own eyes.


This is the God for whom we faithfully wait.

This is the God who is on the way!


Blessed Advent, dear readers.  And may what you wait for in your heart of hearts be fulfilled by the coming of God!



  1. Thank you!!!

    Sent from my iPhone

